Clinical Trial

Showing results 31 - 40 of 74

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Getting the MOST out of follow-up: a randomized controlled trial comparing 3 monthly nurse led follow-up via telehealth, including monitoring CA125 and patient reported outcomes using the MOST (Measure of Ovarian Symptoms and Treatment concerns) with routine clinic based or telehealth follow-up, after completion of first line chemotherapy in patients with epithelial ovarian cancer
Paul A Cohen, Penelope M Webb, Madeleine King, Andreas Obermair, Val Gebski, Phyllis Butow, Rachael Morton, Wanda Lawson, Patsy Yates, Rachel Campbell, Tarek Meniawy, Michelle McMullen, Andrew Dean, Jeffrey Goh, Orla McNallySee the full list of authors

22 September 2021

ATHENA (GOG-3020/ENGOT-ov45): a randomized, phase III trial to evaluate rucaparib as monotherapy (ATHENA–MONO) and rucaparib in combination with nivolumab (ATHENA–COMBO) as maintenance treatment following frontline platinum-based chemotherapy in ovarian cancer
Bradley J Monk, Robert L Coleman, Keiichi Fujiwara, Michelle K Wilson, Amit M Oza, Ana Oaknin, David M O’Malley, Domenica Lorusso, Shannon N Westin, Tamar Safra, Thomas J Herzog, Frederik Marmé, Ramez N Eskander, Kevin K Lin, Danny ShihSee the full list of authors

30 September 2021

Randomized phase III trial on niraparib-TSR-042 (dostarlimab) versus physician’s choice chemotherapy in recurrent ovarian, fallopian tube, or primary peritoneal cancer patients not candidate for platinum retreatment: NItCHE trial (MITO 33)
Lucia Musacchio, Vanda Salutari, Sandro Pignata, Elena Braicu, David Cibula, Nicoletta Colombo, Jean Sebastien Frenel, Flora Zagouri, Vittoria Carbone, Viola Ghizzoni, Serena Giolitto, Elena Giudice, Maria Teresa Perri, Caterina Ricci, Giovanni ScambiaSee the full list of authors

4 October 2021

Determining post-operative morbidity and mortality following gynecological oncology surgery: protocol for a multicenter, international, prospective cohort study (Global Gynaecological Oncology Surgical Outcomes Collaborative—GO SOAR)
Faiza Gaba, Nicolò Bizzarri, Paul Kamfwa, Allison Saiz, Oleg Blyuss, Shantini Paranjothy, Pedro T Ramirez, David Cibula, , on behalf of the GO SOAR Team, Mohamedraed Elshami, Mahmoud Saad, Ahmed Nafea, Muhammed Elhadi, Alaa IsmailSee the full list of authors

6 September 2021